PBS Barbados

Provides Business Solutions

PBS in Barbados – Why You Need The Right Office Equipment

PBS has established itself as a provider of high quality office equipment for many years, enjoying a partnership with Xerox that allows the company to provide the best products to other businesses in Barbados. It is crucial that your office has the right equipment for a number of different reasons.

Executing Your Goals

Every member of your team will have various tasks that they need to complete throughout the course of the day and these will often require them to make use of specific pieces of office equipment. If you don’t make this equipment available to them, you are going to find that staff can’t complete their jobs as quickly as they should be able to, which has a direct effect on the way your business operates.

Keeping Up With The Times

You also need to consider the quality of equipment that your business partners use if you are going to purchase the right office equipment for your company. There is no point having a fax machine if the companies that you do business with have all moved on to email and computers, as the equipment will be obsolete and thus a burden on your business.


The first impression that you make on potential business partners is crucial, which is why PBS Barbados is quick to point out that having quality office equipment will ensure you are able to impress anybody who enters the office. This is something that companies in Barbados often undervalue, but that first impression is a surprisingly large factor when it comes to whether or not another company is willing to do business with you.

PBS in Barbados – Tips For Implementing New Systems In The Workplace

Implementing any new system into the workplace can be tricky, especially if the existing practices have been established for a long time, thus making the workforce a little resistant to change. PBS helps businesses in Barbados implement new technology as part of their wide range of services and has the following advice.

Keep Staff Involved

Never spring a new system on staff without any forewarning. Instead, once you have made the decision to bring in a new technology, speak to all of the staff members who will need to use the new system and inform them that you are currently looking into replacing the existing practices with something else. This will allow them to raise potential issues and increase the likelihood of staff engagement with the new technology.

Explain It

In many cases, your staff will be resistant to change because they don’t understand what the new system has to offer compared to the one they are used to. This means you need to be able to explain why you are looking to implement something new and the various benefits that it will have for the business in terms of productivity and cost cutting.

Quality Training

The training that you arrange when the new system is put in place needs to be of a high quality if the changeover is to be successful. PBS has seen a number of businesses in Barbados try to bring in new technology without giving staff the time or information needed to use it properly, which can lead to wasted work hours and lower productivity until the issue is resolved.

PBS in Barbados – Reasons You Should Offer A Diverse Range Of Services

PBS as we know it today came into being in 2005 as the result of merging a number of different companies in Barbados. This allows the business to offer a diverse range of products and services to its clients, which has helped the company develop over the course of the last decade and beyond. There are a number of reasons why companies should diversify their range of services as much as possible, including all of the following.

Retaining Clients

By offering a variety of services based around the same core concept, you increase your chances of retaining your clients and upselling. Many clients will be more than happy to buy everything they need in one place, instead of having to purchase from a number of vendors, so as long as you offer a diverse range and keep the client relationship strong, your company will enjoy higher sales.

Increased Authority

Customers want to purchase goods and services from companies that they believe are authorities in their sector, which is something that a diverse product range allows you to establish. By offering a wide range of services and doing it well, you again build trust amongst your customer base and establish yourself as experts, making people more comfortable purchasing from you.

Growing The Business

PBS Barbados has grown over the years because it continues to expand the products and services that it offers to clients. Many companies in Barbados hit a peak when it comes to business development because they are only able to offer a single product, regardless of the quality of their service, so by offering more you appeal to a larger customer base, which in turn allows the company to grow.

PBS in Barbados – How to Build Relationships With Business Clients

One of the many services that PBS provides to clients in Barbados is helping them to develop their businesses so that they can enjoy the success they aim to achieve. To do so, the company recommends forming strong relationships with your business contacts in an effort to create opportunities that you can use to help grow your company. The following tips should help.

Get Out There
There are a number of ways that you can get out there and increase the amount of exposure that your business enjoys. By attending networking events and maintaining a strong presence on business networks like LinkedIn, you will make sure that movers and shakers in your industry are aware of your presence and expertise, making them more likely to speak with you.

Deliver on Promises
The quickest way to destroy a business relationship is to fail on delivering on a promise you have made. As such, whenever you strike an agreement with a business partner, always remain realistic in what you are capable of providing and do what you can to get the job done. This will allow for the building of trust and ensure that more opportunities are sent your way in the future.

Take Your Time
No business relationship is formed overnight. PBS Barbados knows from its own interactions with companies in Barbados that maintaining a business relationship is all about trust and this takes time to develop. Strike personal connections with the people you want to do business with, working together on small projects to establish yourselves in each other’s eyes before looking towards the bigger picture.

FedEx Ship Centre Established at PBS Barbados in Warrens Industrial Park

PBS Barbados and current General Manager Elvin Nash have worked together to create a FedEx authorized Shipping Centre Service at the Warrens Industrial Park location of Productive Business Solutions. This new partnership enables PBS Barbados to provide yet another immensely successful business service to customers. FedEx Account Executive Michael Turton feels the concept of Authorized Ship Centres with FedEx promote convenience for customers, who can reach the 220 countries and territories of FedEx’ global network. The Warrens Industrial Park location is easily accessible to customers in north and central Barbados.

PBS Barbados is happy to be allied with FedEx Corporation, a global courier delivery service out of Memphis, Tennessee, USA. The FedEx name, which has become synonymous with efficient and on time delivery service anywhere in the world, is an abbreviation of the company’s original air service arm, Federal Express, which operated from 1973 to 2000. FedEx is today an import/export company which expanded into offering a variety of other services in 1998, when Federal Express purchased Caliber System Inc., which included ancillary companies specializing in package delivery ground services, expedited delivery services, freight carriers, logistics and technology solutions, and importantly, the Caribbean Transportation Services, an airfreight provider of delivery between the U.S. and the Caribbean.

PBS Barbados today utilizes the global network and experience of FedEx in ground and air delivery, through its establishment of a FedEx Ship Centre at its Warrens Park location in St. Michael, Barbados. FDX Corporation changed its name to FedEx Corporation in 2000, utilizing the name for all subsidiaries.

A Resilient Island Archipelago is Home to PBS Barbados

France captured British islands during the American Revolution, then returned them to Britain once the conflict was ended. Independent Haiti came about after the French Revolution, while Trinidad became a British territory, ceded from Spain in 1802. France ceded St. Lucia to Britain in 1814, and Cuban independence from Spain, as well as the colonization of Puerto Rico by the United States, came about after the Spanish-American War. PBS Barbados does business in the aftermath of a Caribbean in constant turmoil from the 16th to the 20th centuries.

The first island nation to achieve independence from its colonizer was Haiti, which also became the first independent black republic in the world. An attempt was made to create a single unified independent state of the various island nations of the Caribbean, called the West Indies Federation, in the 1960’s, but it was doomed to failure. Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Bahamas, Grenada, Dominica, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Antigua and Barbuda, and St. Kitts and Nevis, achieved independence on their own between 1962 and 1983, and began to develop economic independence through businesses which gave back to the home country, such as PBS Barbados.

British Honduras, British Guiana and Dutch Guiana, renamed Suriname, gained independence in the Caribbean in the 1960’s and 70’s. Martinique and Guadeloupe continue to be overseas regions of France, and all citizens are French citizens. St. Martin and St. Barthelemy are overseas collectivities of France. Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands are protectorates of the U.S., while British overseas territories in the Caribbean are Anguilla, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Montserrat and Turks and Caicos, some of which are today’s clients of the business services of PBS Barbados.


DNA Background of PBS Barbados Clients Likely Still Indigenous

After 250AD, Barrancoid humans resettled Trinidad and Tobago of the Eastern Caribbean, and were joined by the Arauquinoid, or Arawaks from the Orinoco river basin of Venezuela in South America. Finally, the Mayoid or Caribs arrived in Trinidad around 1300AD. At the time of Columbus’ explorations in the Caribbean of 1492AD and after, three central indigenous tribes lived in the Caribbean: the Taino of the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Jamaica and the Leeward Islands, the Caribs and Galibi of the Windward Islands, and the Ciboney of Cuba. Scientific DNA studies conducted in Puerto Rico in the early 2000’s indicate that 61 percent of Puerto Ricans today have Amerindian mitochondrial DNA, retaining strong ethnic connections to indigenous inhabitants, a source of pride for today’s PBS Barbados.

After the voyages of Columbus, Portuguese and Spanish explorers claimed territories in Central America and began their shipments of gold from these regions, prompting England, Dutch and French powers to establish territorial right so their own in the Caribbean. Thus were rivalries formed and contests initiated throughout the Caribbean for dominance, and the inheritance of those colonial days continues to drive the Eastern Caribbean clientele of PBS Barbados.

The Spanish came to the region seeking wealth, and promptly enslaved the native populations, driving them to extinction through conquest, disease and war. The Spanish imported African slaves when indigenous peoples died out or escaped. Spain attempted to lay claim to the entire Caribbean, but formed a stable presence only in Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Cuba and Trinidad, and were a presence in Cubagua and Margarita off the Venezuela coast between 1500 and 1550 as they plundered the pearl beds of these islands. The inheritance of Spain’s exploitation continues to reverberate today for the clientele of PBS Barbados.


PBS Barbados Part of the Complex History of the Caribbean

PBS Barbados, Productive Business Solutions, has a 40-year history in the Caribbean, with the last 10 years seeing PBS in the region settle into its goal of providing technology for postal and document solutions for business, graphic design and marketing expertise, network technology to advance the success of individual to small to corporate business needs with data management and storage answers, security services and power protection services with a wide range of software and hardware implementations available.  As PBS Barbados wrote its own history, it became increasingly evident that PBS Barbados shares its development with the unique historical, cultural, societal and personal growth of the Eastern Caribbean archipelago.

The Caribbean reflects the colonial aspirations of various European powers, beginning in the 15th century.  Immigration, slavery, genocides and rivalries between and among world powers for dominance have formed the Caribbean of today.  Nonetheless, human residence in the Caribbean may date back as far as the 6th century BC on Trinidad, with hunter-gatherers who traveled to Hispaniola and Cuba by 5000BC. The Casirimoid and Guanahatabey cultures may be a continuous culture, or may have been formed in more recent sites by generations from Florida or the Yucatan of Central America. PBS Barbados embraces the prehistoric indigenous bloodlines which continue to dominate the Caribbean peoples today.

PBS Barbados assists successful businesses which profit in imports of native Amerindian products, an industry which thrives today, but which has its origins between 400 and 200BC.  Saladoid peoples moved north from Trinidad bringing agricultural practices and goods such as ceramic pottery when the Egyptian pyramids were young.

PBS Barbados – Three Tips for Enhancing Customer Service Strategy

PBS Barbados relies on their excellent customer service skills and representation to provide business solutions services to companies in the Caribbean. They have forged partnerships with global brands and act as those brands’ representative in the region to provide local companies with products and services from those companies. They have been successfully serving the Caribbean for over 40 years. Here are three tips for enhancing customer service strategy.

First and foremost, the most important aspect of customer service strategy is being available to the clients. Make sure that clients have more than just one way of contacting customer service representatives. Provide them with a personal contact point in the company, or the email address of customer services. Try and work with their schedules be available when is convenient for them.

It is important to treat clients as an important part of the company’s community. Bringing clients together through social media, webinars, Lunch & Learn meetings, or other events can do this. This inclusive and personal form of customer service shows clients that they are important and that they are a part of a valued community.

Create a personal form of customer service communications. Go beyond FAQ’s and have clients speak with real people. Although FAQ’s are an important source of information, not everything can be answered through them.

PBS Barbados represents a number of global brands including Xerox, Cisco, and Oracle. They were previously branded as Barbados Business Machines Limited (BBM) and were recently rebranded as PBS Barbados after they become a part of the PBS Group.

PBS Barbados – Three Tips for Building Sales Relationships

PBS Barbados is a business solutions and integration provider. They are a member of the PBS group, which is one of the largest business solutions providers in Central America and the Caribbean. They represent a number of global brands and as a distributor and technical support representative for their clients to these brands. PBS Barbados works exclusively with companies in the Caribbean to provide their clients products and services of the brands they represent. Here are three tips for building a sales relationship.

  • It is important to listen to clients to best understand their needs and wants. Clients usually tell their representatives exactly what they want. To forge a strong sales relationship, it is important that representatives listen to their clients. Based on what they’ve learned, representatives can then ask the clients questions that pertain to their needs, thus serving the client better.
  • Once a client has purchased and used a product, sales representatives should make a follow-up phone call to make sure that the product fits their need. If so great, if not, find a way that their needs can be better served. The client will appreciate the efforts, be pleased with the service they have received, and will be more likely to purchase more products in the future.
  • It is important that sales representatives respond to their clients in a timely manner. This shows the client that they are important and that their concerns, questions, and requests are taken seriously. It also makes sure that the sales representative is staying on top of their clients’ needs and that those needs are not accidently forgotten.

PBS Barbados represents Xerox, Entrust Datacard, Smart, L3 Communications, Oracle, Cisco, FedEx, Tripp Lite, and VeriFone.

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